Pubg Mobile 1.6 Update Is Here | Pubg Flora Mode 1.6 | Bgmi 1.6

 Pubg Mobile 1.6 Update Is Here | Pubg Flora Mode 1.6 

Krafton has announced the release of the BGMI 1.6 update for both, Android and iOS users. The new 1.6 update is supposed to bring in several new changes to the game, the Flora Menace Mode being one of them. BGMI players have been trying to learn more about this Flora Menace Mode for a long time now.

 Pubg Mobile 1.6 Update Is Here | Pubg Flora Mode 1.6 

Since the internet around this new BGMI game mode is very high, here is all the information available on the internet about the BGMI new game mode. Read more to know about the Flora Menace Mode release and features.

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KRAFTON, the South Korean video game developer is all set to pump in more adrenalin for the millions of BATTLEGROUNDS enthusiasts in India, with the introduction of Flora Menace, special features and realistic game dynamics in version 1.6 rolling out on the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. The update will be rolling out sequentially starting today, so fans are requested to be patient for it to show up on your app store.

A new mode “Flora Menace” has been added to BATTLEGROUNDS, bringing in interesting possibilities. In Flora Menace Mode, a life barrier is created in some part of the map that is encroached by alien creatures. In the wall, players’ HP gradually recovers. Players can loot “Nacore” in the mode and use the item to buy battle items.  The mode is available in Classic Theme Modes and starting from Erangel, it will be added to Sanhok and Livik.

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Exclusively in Erangel “Flora Menace,” players can enjoy Cell Matrix content. The Cell Matrix is an airship floating in the air and players can ride it using Cells that can be found in the map. In Cell Matrix, players have three chances to revive themselves and get to fight with randomly provided weapons. They can acquire Nacore by eliminating enemies or robots infected by an alien creature in the airship.

With the idea of keeping more strategic tools at players’ disposal, auto-bandage option has been added, distance information is included in the In-Game Mark, and the famous flight path can now be replayed after landing.  Additionally one can test out weapons like P90, MG3, ASM Abakan in the all important training ground before heading into a match.


With 1.6.0, KRAFTON aims at providing an overall improved battle-feel to the players with features like Improved camera vibration effect on grenade detonation, configurable headshot sound adjustments, dynamic scope adjustment options.


Finally, rolling out today, straight from the Chef’s kitchen, with his flavours, is the RPM3 - Royale Pass Month 3. Priced similarly like other months, starting at 360UC, there’s an array of outfits on offer.

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Catering to the upcoming festive season, month long in-game events around Dusshera and Diwali will be flowing in from the second half of the month, lasting right into the Diwali week. 


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